C/ Cardenal Rossell, 1707007 Palma de Mallorca Islas Baleares

What does it involve? Hair transplants with the FUE Technique are the most sought-after hair grafting procedure at our clinic.Hair grafting with the FUE method…

FUE Hair Transplant

What does it consist of? The FUE technique performed with a robotic system is ideal for the treatment of androgenic alopecia in women. It generally…

Stress, Entzündungen der Haarfollikel oder eine Veränderung des Immunsystems können weibliche Alopezie bei Frauen

Treatment With PRP for Hair Loss (Platelet Rich Plasma) Consists of the introduction of plasma with growth factors which release the patient’s own platelets by…

PRP for Hair Loss

  Types of Hair Loss     Follicle Life Anagen — active hair. 2-8 years Catagen — transitional hair growth. 2-3 weeks. Telogen — resting…

Given that every patient is a unique case and that hair-loss treatments should be personally customised, the first step is that we always carry out…

Infiltraciones Capilares_Clínica Elite Palma

One of the most effective methods to stop hair loss in men and women.

Infiltraciones Capilares_Clínica Elite Palma

Stimulates and regenerates hair in patients with moderate hair loss.

bioestimulación capilar_Clínica Elite Palma
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