Types of Hair Loss
Follicle Life
Anagen — active hair. 2-8 years
Catagen — transitional hair growth. 2-3 weeks.
Telogen — resting phase. 2-3 monts. At the end of this resting phase the hair is shed and a new hair replaces it. The growing cycle starts again.
Alopecia causes
Involutional alopecia: the hair gradually thins with age.
Androgenic alopecia: genetic condition that can affect both men and women.
Alopecia areata: causes patchy hair loss in children and young adults.
Alopecia universalis: body hair to fall out, including eyelashes, the eyebrows, and pubic hair.
Trichotillomania: , most frequently in children, this is a psychological disorder in which a person pulls out one’s own hair.
Telogen effluvium: temporary hair thinning over the scalp.
Scarring alopecias: permanent loss of hair.
Inflammatory skin conditions: cellulitis, folliculitis, acne, and other skin disorders such a lupus can also result in permanent hair loss.
To know the cause or the trigger of alopecia, a clinical history must be made, which will allow to prescribe the most appropriate treatment