Dark Circles Treatment

The Treatment of Dark Circles is an innovative treatment created specifically for the delicate anatomical area of the dark circles.

Stress, lifestyle, fatigue or simply for hereditary reasons, are some of the causes that enhance the appearance of anti-aesthetic dark circles.

When you get older you tend to lose fat and collagen and the skin becomes thinner. This causes the reddish-blue blood vessels to look under the eyes.

Another reason that influences the eyelids is swelling or gaps under the eyes, casting shadows or dark circles under the eyes.

A solution to eliminate dark circles

At Clínica Élite Palma we work with the first dermal filler formulated to treat and eliminate dark circles.

If you find yourself struggling to reduce black circles and fine lines under your eyes, this new treatment is the right one for you.

An injectable gel based on hyaluronic acid designed specifically to treat the delicate skin of the eye area.

Returns the shine to your look

Your eyes are the expression of your feelings and emotions, those that create bonds, and those that speak with your eyes through your gestures and expression.

Dark circles can give an image that does not correspond to what you are and feel, something that can affect self-esteem.

What is the treatment?

After making a diagnosis and determining the treatment of the area to be treated, a gel injection is administered that incorporates a restructuring and anti-oxidant dermo complex that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

The intervention lasts about 20 minutes and the injections are painless, so you will not feel any pain or discomfort.

This treatment of last generation is indicated for men and women with dark circles of any age and their results are immediate, depending on the degree of dark circles.

Are the results visible?

With a single session you can already see that your look is more open and vital! Its effects continue to work for about a year.

Eliminate your dark circles with immediate and lasting aesthetic results.

Schedule your consultation today to receive one of the best treatments of Dark circles in Mallorca
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